Listen to SGS, Transparency-One and Blippar talking about how Transparency-One can help organizations identify and understand their supply chains and connect with consumers.
Following the 2013 Rana Plaza incident in Bangladesh, which killed over one thousand textile workers, French politicians, unions, and organizations have collaborated on a new regulation to improve supply chain risk management.
We work with companies all over the world and want everybody to understand our Source to Store supply chain management platform. Our website and Transparency-One platform are available in English, French, Spanish, German and Chinese. And we won't stop there. More languages to come soon. Stay tuned! March 19-21, join Transparency-One at the Seafood Expo North America! Taking place in our hometown of Boston, the Expo attracts more than 1200 exhibiting companies from over 40 countries. Find us at SGS booth #681 to learn more about the Transparency-One solution, and don't miss the SGS Special Session on Corporate Social Responsibility in the seafood sector. want to know more about the products they buy and are demanding more information from brands. In response, brands have increased their investments in supply chain transparency initiatives. Transparency-One is proud to work with leading brands to help transform supply chain transparency into meaningful shopper insights.
Mars Food is working with SGS, Transparency-One and Blippar to revolutionize end-to-end supply chain transparency.
Be sure to join us at the SGS breakfast session, “Managing Global Supply Chains under FSMA – Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies”, on Wednesday, March 1 at 8:30 am. A panel of experts, including Transparency-One CEO Chris Morrison, will explore the impact of FSMA on global food safety management practices, industry challenges and the role of technology and innovation in ensuring compliance.
Seafood sustainability is becoming more and more important for consumers. It is now a key driver for seafood purchases, more important than product brand, or even price.